SGS Saint John Diving, ULC
Contact & Details:
Address | 50 Thornhill Dr Unit 12, |
City | Dartmouth |
ZIP Code | NS B3B 1R9 |
Country | Canada |
Phone | +1 902-422-6112 |
info@sgsdiving.com | |
Website | https://www.subseaglobalsolutions.com/locations/sgs-halifax |
Description | Port ServicesSubsea Global Solutions (SGS) offers support for a wide range of inland and offshore construction projects. Our dive teams utilize surface supplied air, and mixed gas breathing systems to work safely at in-water depths up to 300 feet.
Marine InspectionOur inspection services cover Non Destructive Testing in both the Ultrasonic and Magnetic Particle Inspection disciplines, with up to date equipment owned by SGS. Our services include:
ROV InspectionSubsea Global Solutions is able to supply a range of remotely operated vehicles to meet the inspection demands of clients where water depth, bottom time and or hazardous situations mandate the use of non-manned intervention methods. A number of these vehicles are small and lightweight and can generally be operated by two persons out of a small boat or from the land. ROV operations are particularly well suited to deep or hazardous applications of an observational only nature. ROV’s are also often used for:
The vehicles can be fitted with high resolution color cameras, acoustic navigation systems and manipulators for basic operations such as small object recovery, sample collection and basic rigging. Ultrasonic Testing (UT)SGS is able to offer a range of Ultrasonic testing services including thickness testing using both digital and "A scan" equipment along with full weld inspection using angle beam probes. Mag Particle Inspection (MPI)M.P.I can be provided for surface crack detection using dedicated equipment employing direct and indirect magnetization systems. Surface preparation of the test pieces is also part of the service and ranges from high pressure water blasted surfaces, abrasive grit blast or machined finishes. Personnel hold both national and international inspection qualifications with an extensive background in offshore and onshore surveys of structures and components. General inspection tasks are supported by High Resolution Color Video equipment which utilizes the latest digital image enhancement technology. Real time monitoring at the surface enables clients to observe the video and direct the works as required. These images can then be stored to conventional USB drives or made available through electronic media directly to the client's office. Still photography systems using digital underwater cameras provide a range of photographic presentations including photo-mosaics, overall wide angle, and macro photography. Detailed inspection reports and CAD drawings are provided. Subsea Global Solutions has extensive experience in the laying, burial and recovery of submarine cables. We are able to supply a complete service; from taking delivery of the cable, preparing the landing conduits & ducts, pre lay survey, laying of the cable to a designated route, survey of the as-laid position and burial and/or protection of the cable. Our services cover power cable installations as well as fibre optical communications and data cables. Rupert A+ Propeller PolishingAccording to the ICCT, propellor polishing can reduce gas emissions by 2% - 5% and when executed on a regular period basis; 2.5% - 8%. The same can be said for hull cleaning, which can reduce gas emissions in a range of 1%-10%. With the new regulations being adopted by the IMO come 2023 in regard to decarbonization through ship emissions, a trusted underwater service partner who can deliver reliable services around the globe will be paramount to ensure your vessel remains in the acceptable range of A,B, or C. Propeller surface roughness directly effects propeller efficiency. New propellers are delivered with a higher surface roughness than propellers polished underwater by Subsea Global Solutions. Why? Subsea Global Solutions uses a multi-stage polishing process to consistently deliver a propeller polished better than Rupert "A". What does this mean to your ship? Higher propeller efficiency equals lower fuel consumption. Subsea Global Solutions is pleased to be able to provide Rupert A+ propeller polishing through proprietary techniques delivering a consistent 0.4 micron surface roughness. Subsea Global Solutions continues to research and develop new process methodology to make this typical maintenance chore into an essential fuel saving efficiency improvement and driving more dollars to ship owners and operators bottom line. Let us be a strategic part of your Ship’s Efficiency Management Plan. Test Protocol and PurposeThe multi-stage process was perfected in Subsea Global Solutions underwater training tanks on actual propeller blades, allowing accurate roughness measurements to be taken electronically. The procedure was developed over time using many conditioning pads of various surface types and materials. The final outcome established the optimal materials, equipment, and time. Wartsila Propulsion attended the testing providing 3rd party verification of all testing results, the SGS process, and materials used. Beluga Eco-friendly Propeller Polishing and Niche Area Cleaning SystemThe Beluga Eco-friendly cleaning system was designed to manage the ever increasing threat of invasive species and—if needed, to also treat soluble metals that may be present in effluent water. With filtration capabilities up to 5 microns, the Beluga system has interchangeable tools that can be connected to it for the execution of hull niche area cleaning or eco-friendly propeller polishing. |