Cameroon Diving Services Ltd (CDS)
Contact & Details:
Address | Cameroon Carrefour Eto'o Bonamoussadi |
City | Douala |
Country | Cameroon |
Phone | Tel: (+237) 6 61 73 50 50 | (+237) 233 478 787 | (+237) 671 083 030 |
info@cameroondivingservices.com | |
Website | www.cameroondivingservices.com |
Description | Cameroon Diving Services Ltd (CDS) was established by a group of professional divers with objective of providing professional cost and effective underwater diving services in Africa. Specializing in all forms of underwater works and maintenance. Company Profile The Company is the first Cameroon diving company to be approved and certified underwater diving service provider, operating along the Cameroon Sea board certification from Workplace Safety and Health Council, Cameroon. Vision & Mission We aim to be the market leader in underwater services and to achieve full customer satisfaction through providing effective and innovative solutions for our customers. While anchoring herself for growth into new markets, CDS continues to commit herself to building a safe and people focused organisation. HSEEQ We committed to ensure that our daily operations are carried out in a safe, healthy, secure and pollution free environment, while we render our qualitative services. We also continuously practise improvement in our Healthy, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality management systems through written procedures, instructions, plans, guidelines and directions to maintain conformance with the requirements of:- ISM Code IMO MARPOL Regulations ISO 9001 ISO 14001 ISPS Code Classification Societies Rules IMCA Applicable International Codes, and StandardsUnderwater
Services | Hull cleaning | Propeller polishing | Underwater inspection |
NDT inspection | Ship repairs | Underwater Port Services | ROV service
provider | Blankings | Underwater Maintenance and Repair | Underwater
Installation and Engineering | Underwater Construction and Pipe Lying
Support | Underwater Survey. | Underwater Digital Photography |
Underwater Digital Video Recording | Underwater NDT Inspection and
Certification | Magnetic Particle Inspection | Ultrasonic Wall |
Thickness Measurements | Cathodic Protection Measurement | Marine Growth
Measurement | Scouring and Debris Survey | Riser & Riser Clamp
Inspection | UT. Scan | Underwater Dry and Wet Welding | Underwater Oxy
Cutting / Burning and Cool Cutting | Marine Salvage | Rigs and Support
Maintenance | Plantform Inspection | Oil and Gas Services | Waste
Removal | Rope Access | Ship Chandlers |