Jana Marine Co.
Contact & Details:
Address | Flat (225) Building (190) Road (2803) Block (428) Area (Al-Seef) |
Country | Bahrain |
Phone | +973 17581622 |
info@jana-ms.com | |
Website | www.jana-ms.com |
Description | Offshore Hook-up & CommissioningJANA owns fleet of eighteen (18) offshore support vessels and one (01) Jack-up barge ready to provide support for offshore Hook up, Installation & commissioning activities. The support vessels are fully equipped with Construction & Maintenance crew (such as Qualified/approved QC Inspectors, Scaffolding Supervisor/Inspector, Riggers, Technicians & skilled labor) and all necessary tools & equipment required for offshore platform construction activities. The onshore support facility (warehouse, site office, laydown & accommodation) available to facilitate operational, storage & logistic need of offshore platform construction & commissioning activities. Also, JANA HSE Management organization has successfully achieved HSE requirements to client satisfaction. JANA HSE management system is certified ISO14001 & OHSAS 18001 and all offshore employee are having all required valid offshore safety certification/access. Mechanical (Piping / Welding)JANA Marine Services owns qualified and approved welding procedures (PQR) that covers all required offshore Hook up, Installation & commissioning and maintenance welding works. JANA resources and third party services are readily available to conduct new PQR if required as per project scope of work. Following resources are available to successfully complete the piping & welding scope of work.
Electrical & InstrumentationJANA Marine Services owns all required resources and qualified/approved E&I technicians for SCADA/RTU & Instrumentation offshore Hook up, Installation & commissioning works. JANA resources and third party services are readily available to conduct electrical & instrumentation the scope of work. Following resources are available to successfully complete the scope of work.
Blasting & PaintingJANA Marine Services owns all required resources and qualified/approved Blasters & Painter available for offshore construction works. JANA resources and qualified painter & blasters are readily available to conduct painting activities. Following resources are available to successfully complete the scope of work.